Segway Funpark

You certainly know segways? The funny electric vehicles – in cities mostly used to get around for sightseeing. In our segway parcours there is no sightseeing, but there is a great off-road parcour – especially for segways!

So we promise: Even if you never stood on such a thing, you will learn it in minutes! And after that: You can test it in our off-road area with different surfaces, small obstacles, a special seesaw, and segway hills. That’s really fun!

Segway is also perfect to mix with other activities like kart, ATV or car related action.


  • Regular number of segways: 5
  • Capacity: Up to 25 people per hour possible (in a rotating manner)
  • Equipment: Helmet and gloves
  • Gastronomy: Next to the track
  • Season: Perfect from April till October but possible also for the rest of the year (indoor or outdoor)
  • During the day: Outdoor dependent on daylight (no floodlights)

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